Return Policy

We guarantee our shoes are free of defects


If the shoes you purchased on are not to your satisfaction, you may return them in their original unworn / unscratched / uncreased and saleable condition, stating i) the reason for the return and ii) whether you would like to exchange the shoes (for another size or style) or a refund.

We recommend you try on the shoes indoors on a carpeted surface so as not to scratch the soles, and that you not bend the shoes to prevent creasing the uppers.  We reserve the right to reject any return of damaged, scratched or creased shoes.

Returns are free. Customers must request a FedEx Ground return label at :


You must return the shoes, in their original shoebox and shipping carton, by FedEx Ground(call FedEx to schedule a pick-up: 1.800.463.3339) to the following address:


3648, rue Paul-Archambault
Quebec QC G1W 0B3


We must receive the returned shoes within 30 days of delivery to you. We will process your return within 10 business days thereafter.

Refunds take up to 8 business days from the processing date to show on your credit card statement.

Size chart
US/CAN Europe UK Australia Mexico Japan China  Inches Cm
2.5 35 2 2 - 20 33 8.750 22.22
3 35.5 2.3 2.3 - 21 34 8.875 22.54
3.5 36 3 3 - 22 35 9 22.86
4 36.5 3.5 3.5 - 22.5 36 9.125 23.18
4.5 37 4 4 - 23 37 9.25 23.5
5 37.5 4.5 4.5 - 23.5 38 9.375 23.81
5.5 38 5 5 4.5 24 39 9.5 24.13
6 38.5 5.5 5.5 5 24.5 39.5 9.625 24.45
6.5 39 6 6 6 25.5 41 9.875 25.08
7.5 40 7 7 6.5 26 - 10 25.40
8 41 7.5 7.5 7 26.5 42 10.125 25.72
8.5 42 8 8 7.5 27 43 10.25 26.04
9 43 8.5 8.5 8 27.5 43.5 10.375 26.34
9.5 43.5 9 9 8.5 28 44 10.5 26.68
10 44 9.5 9.5 9 28.5 44.5 10.625 26.98
10.5 44.5 10 10 9.5 29 45 10.75 27.30
11 45 10.5 10.5 10 29.5 46 10.875 27.62
11.5 45.5 11 11 10.5 30 - 11 27.98
12 46 11.5 11.5 11 30.5 47 11.125 28.26
12.5 46.5 12 12 11.5 31 47.5 11.25 28.58
13 47 12.5 12.5 12 31.5 48 11.375 28.90
13.5 47.5 13 13 12.5 32 - 11.5 29.22
14 48.5 13.5 13.5 13 32.5 - 11.625 29.54
14.5 49 14 14 13.5 33 - 11.750 29.86
15.5 50 15 15 14.5 34 - 12 30.48
16.5 51 16 16 15.5 35 - 12.25 31.12


Shoe Width

Our standard shoe width is an F fitting. However, in order to accommodate variations in foot size, alternative width fittings are available in certain styles.

Narrow Fit = D width (USA E Fit)

Standard or Average Fit = F width (USA EE Fit)

Wide Fit = G width (USA EEE Fit)

Extra Wide Fit = H width (USA EEEE Fit)

As a shoe increases in size, the length and width both increase. A size 10F shoe is therefore one size bigger and one size wider than a size 9F shoe. A size 9G shoe is a size wider than a size 9F - in other words the width of the shoe would roughly correspond to a size 10F.

In the table below, the 11D, the 10F, the 9G and 8H would all be roughly the same width.

 Shoe size D Fit F Fit G Fit H Fit
11 X
10 Y X
9 Z Y X
8 Z Y X
7 Z Y
6 Z

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